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Free Facebook Auto Friend Bot

Free Facebook Auto Friend Bot
Install on Windows 10/11 computers

Free Facebook Auto Friend Bot

As of the first quarter of 2022, Facebook has approximately 2.93 billion monthly active users, making it the most used online social network globally. We are only five people away from connecting to anyone, be it the President of the United States or a gondolier in Venice; as long as we find the right five people, we can connect. Facebook is a platform that many people visit daily, and even the busiest individuals take time to check their friends' messages or comments. When encountering something that resonates with them, they might give a "like" or a reaction to show agreement or encouragement, or even surprise or sadness. If there is simply not enough time, or if they have too many friends on Facebook, they may need the FBFRIEND Auto Friend Bot to assist.

In the past, similar automatic friend-adding products have been available, but many were developed by individuals, with some containing viruses. This type of software often requires long debugging and fixing to find the rules of social platforms, but the stability and follow-up service of personally developed software can easily break down. Many software products are here today and gone tomorrow, which is quite unfortunate! Furthermore, some companies, both domestically and internationally, recruit members for automatic friend-adding services, whether free or paid, and they all have one thing in common: You must register as a member, and simultaneously provide your Facebook account and password to them, which poses serious security concerns. Foreign news has reported that most service providers secretly steal your personal data or friends' information. While you enjoy the free service, you also pay the highest price!

Our aim in developing the FBFRIEND Auto Friend Bot is to provide software designed with the integrity and scale of a legitimate company—stable, clean, non-toxic, and entirely user-controlled green software. You do not need to send or disclose any Facebook information to us; the operation process is completely transparent, and you can see the bot in action and all its movements (Note: background-running software poses a risk of personal data leakage). By integrating visual analysis and machine learning, the FBFRIEND Auto Friend Bot can intelligently distinguish Facebook symbols in your browser while avoiding ads, helping you to auto-add friends 24/7.

WINDOWS ONLY. Please install on Microsoft Windows operating systems

Notice! When you download and use this software, you agree to comply with the Facebook Terms of Service, Facebook Data Policy, and Facebook Community Standards. Do not use it to send advertisements or disruptive messages.

  FB Auto Friend Software Helps You Save Labor


六度分隔理論,英文是 Six Degrees of Separation,認為世界上任何互不相識的兩人,只需要很少的中間人就能夠建立起聯繫。哈佛大學心理學教授斯坦利·米爾格拉姆於 1967 年根據這個概念做過一次連鎖信實驗,嘗試證明平均只需要 6 步就可以聯繫任何兩個互不相識的人。在任何兩位素不相識的人之間,通過一定的聯繫方式,總能夠產生必然聯繫或關係。顯然,隨着聯繫方式和聯繫能力的不同,實現個人期望的機遇將產生明顯的區別。

FB 自動加好友機器人的運作理論基礎是利用六度分隔理論來達到大量加好友曝光,邀請朋友的朋友,以朋友的推薦為基礎達成,你主動邀請他們,他們觀看你的 Facebook 帳號進而同意邀請成為你的朋友,比起自己整天拿著手機去加好友,FBFRIEND 機器人是 24 小時自動幫你執行,同時你可以不受影響的在手機上繼續使用你的 Facebook。這樣的大量加好友與曝光下,增加朋友數和讚數絕對不是問題,每月平均都能增加至少 2000 個朋友數不等,只要你好好經營,效果絕對能夠更超乎你想像!

Teacher Mentor

使用 FBFRIEND 自動加好友機器人能獲得什麼?如果你是老闆,你想增加公司的知名度提升整體績效。如果您是超級業務員,你想要簡單陌生開發快速增長業績。如果你是購物網站、網拍業者,你想要增加網店的銷售量。如果您已經有在 Facebook 上賣東西,你想要增加更多朋友粉絲關注。如果你是網紅,你想要有一堆忠實粉絲關注你生活的一切。那你千萬不要錯過這個最流行、最尖端的 FB 加好友神器。

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Marketing Bot Workflow

  • Open Chrome Browser
    Log in to Facebook

  • Launch FBFRIEND

  • Edit Custom Image Data

  • Start Auto-Friend Adding


Facebook 不被封鎖的技巧

Facebook 的規則與限制解析

申請 Facebook 帳號的所有方法